Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in total

Aunt Janice tells about that Creme Bruleé

Everyone has a favorite dessert, but some desserts are something extra. In this episode, Aunt Janice shares her experience with creme bruleé, Bodhi answers some questi...

ASCII Me ANYTHING: My Dad Tells a Story About One of the Happiest Times in His Life

In this episode, Bodhi interviews Lee about the time in his life when he was happiest. Hint: It includes yoga. For those of you don't know what yoga is, you can get it...

ASCII Me ANYTHING: Uncle Peter: The Place that Rests on a Rock

In this episode, Bodhi asks his uncle, known as "Peter," about the places he liked most. His answer took us across the country, near the ocean. At the end of the show,...

ASCII Me ANYTHING: Aunt Nancy: Furry, Fluffy Animals

In this episode, Bodhi asks his aunt, known as "Nancy," about her favorite pet. Her answer involved a certain furry animal. At the end of the show, there is a twist. N...

ASCII Me ANYTHING: Uncle Critter: Adventures in Italy

In this episode, Bodhi asks his uncle, known as "Critter," about the places he liked most. His answer took us all the way to Italy, near some cliffs. At the end of the...

Coming Soon: More Episodes

More episodes coming soon. In the meantime, we have a promo.

ASCII Me ANYTHING: Pete's Story of the Grand Canyon and Bats

 Pete tells us about his trip to the Grand Canyon and a surprising story of bats.

ASCII Me ANYTHING: Tabby Talks About Her Favorite Pet

In this episode, Bodhi asks Tabby (his mom) about her favorite pet. Tabby tells a story about how she and Lee (Bodhi's dad) found their pet. At the end of the show, th...

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